1. Fire greenware to 04 bisque, use a damp sponge to remove dust.
2. Brush the body of the dragon with one coat of SC-97 Cant-elope, while the color is wet remove color from the scales by rubbing your thumb against the color. You can also remove it with a damp sponge, although it can remove more than desired with a sponge.
3. Shade the feet, legs, and around the head with SC-75 Orange A Peel, and shade around the back, tail, and breast, nose with SC-73 Candy Apple Red. Thin Candy Apple Red and brush over the tail area.
4. Brush two coats of SC-73 Candy Apple Red over the breast, remove some from the lower center breast area, brush over with Cant-elope.
5. Brush the dragon’s spines at the head area with SC-73 Candy Apple Red, and wipe back to highlight the tops of the spines.
6. Brush the inside of the mouth and tongue with SC-74 Hot Tamale, 2-3 coats. Brush the nose with SC-74 Hot Tamale, shade around the nose and snout with SC-74 Hot Tamale, and use CB-106 Script Liner.
7. Brush two coats of slightly thinned SC-11 Blue Yonder to the back spines and wings, and wipe back some with your finger to highlight. When dry, shade or float SC-12 Moody Blue at the base of the spines.
8. Remove the color from the brows, wiskers, and edge around the mouth, brush with two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail.
9. The eye is SC-25 Crackerjack Brown, the pupil is SC-15 Tuxedo, the outline is SC-15 Tuxedo. Use CB-110 Liner to outline the whiskers, mouth teeth, and wings.
10. Brush on one coat of S-2101 Clear with CB-604 #4 Soft Fan.
11. Fire to cone 05/06.
Decorating Accessories