Green Camper Container

Designer: Elizabeth Carey



1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Take the MC-002 12mm Low Track Masking Tape and wrap around the center of the camper. You might need to tear it while going around the corners. Repeat in the center of the section above the tape.

3. Take the MC-001 6mm Low Track Masking Tape and wrap around the upper portion of the camper.

4. Press the tape to make sure it is secure.

6. Using the Soft Fan with SC-6 Sunkissed, apply 3 coats to the upper half of the camper. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Before the last coat is dry, peel off the tape.

7. Using the Script Liner with SC-26 Green Thumb, apply 2 coats to the bottom half of the camper. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

8. Using the Script Liner with SC-26 Green Thumb, apply another coat to the bottom half of the camper. While the glaze is still dry, use the Script Liner with SC-27 Sour Apple and SC-36 Irish Luck to shade.

9. Using the Script Liner with SC-27 Sour Apple, apply 3 coats to the door and awnings. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

10. Squeeze around 1 TBS of SC-36 Irish luck onto the plate. Take the MT-007 Divots Mat and place it design-side up. Take the sponge on a stick and gently dab it into the glaze. Blot off any excess onto the bare portion of the plate, then sponge the mat. Take the mat and gently press onto the door and awnings of the camper.

11. Using the Script Liner with SC-35 Gray Hare, apply 2 coats to the windows. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Apply another coat, one window at a time. While the glaze is still wet, use the Script Liner with SC-15 Tuxedo to shade the windows.

12. Using the Script Liner with SC-35 Gray Hare, apply 3 coats to the bumper and tires. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

13. Using the Script Liner with SC-6 Sunkissed, apply 2 coats to the hubcaps. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

14. Using the Script Liner with SC-15 Tuxedo, apply 2 coats to the tires and underside of the camper. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

15. Using the Detail Liner with SC-15 Tuxedo, outline the details on the camper.

16. Using the Soft Fan, apply 2 coats of S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze to the piece or dip into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze.

17. Fire to cone 06.



  • MB-1536 Camper Container


  • SC-6 Sunkissed
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-26 Green Thumb
  • SC-27 Sour Apple
  • SC-35 Gray Hare
  • SC-36 Irish Luck

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • RB-110 # 10/0 Detail Liner
  • MC-001 6mm Low Track Masking Tape
  • MC-002 12mm Low Track Masking Tape
  • MT-007 Divots Mat

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Palette
  • Sponge-on-a-Stick