Retro Candy Dish

Designer: Elizabeth Carey



1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Take the MC-001 6mm Low Track Masking Tape and tape off a line going down the center of each small stripe on the Candy Dish. The line should be around 1/3 of the total width of each stripe.

3. Using the Script Liner and SC-74 Hot Tamale, apply two coats of glaze to each stripe that was previously masked off. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Pull off masking tape before the final coat of glaze is dry.

4. Using the Script and SC-45 My Blue heaven, apply two coats of glaze to the front of the Candy Dish. Using the Soft Fan and SC-45, apply two coats of glaze to the back of the Candy Dish. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

5. Using the Soft Fan and SC-11 Blue Yonder apply one coat of glaze to the handles. Wipe off glaze on the raised surfaces to achieve an antiqued look.

6. Using the Script Liner and SG-702 Celebration, apply one coat of glaze over areas in the front glazed with SC-45 My Blue Heaven.

7. Using the Soft Fan, apply two coats of S-2101 Clear Brushing glaze to the stripes or dip into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze.

8. Fire to cone 06.



  • MB-1226 Wrapped Candy Dish Bisque or CD1226 Wrapped Candy Dish Mold


  • SC-11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-45 My Blue Heaven
  • SC-74 Hot Tamale
  • SG-702 Celebration
  • NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze or NT-BR Clear One Brushing Glaze

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • MC-001 6mm Low Track Masking Tape