Sunflower Mold with Stand

Designer: Elizabeth Carey



  1. Pour CD-1495 Garden Pedestal, CD-044 Large Sunflower Bowl and CD-045 Small Sunflower Bowl molds ¼” thick. Refer to casting instructions.
  2. Once they are firm enough to handle, use the sponge to smooth down any casting lines.
  3. Fire to cone 04.
  4. Using the Soft Fan with UG-50 Black, apply 1 coat to the front of the sunflowers and top and bottom sections of the pedestal. Allow glaze to dry. Using a damp sponge, wipe off most of the underglaze, leaving it only in the crevices.
  5. Using the Soft Fan with EL-128 Wheat, apply 2 coats to the leaves on the sunflowers. Brush vertically from bottom to top of each leaf. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  6. Using the Script Liner with EL-133 Autumn, apply 2 coats to the inner circle of leaves going around the seeds. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Apply 3-5 random strokes going up on each the large leaves.
  7. Using the Soft Fan with EL-121 Copper Adventurine, apply 3 coats to the center of the sunflowers. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  8. Using the Script Liner with PC-601 Clear Cascade, apply 1 coat to the tips of the large leaves. Apple a circle in the center of the seeds.
  9. Using the Soft Fan with EL-128 Wheat, apply 2 coats to the back of the sunflowers. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  10. Using the Soft Fan with EL-142 Grass, apply 3 irregular coats to the pedestal. Brush horizontally around the pedestal. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  11. On the DSS-0111 Botanical – Leaves screen, locate the round leaf. Draw an outline around it in permanent marker. Cut it out with excess screen around the edges.
  12. Squeeze about 2 TBS of SC-15 Tuxedo onto the palette. Add a pinch of AC-310 Silkscreen Medium. Mix with a palette knife until it becomes the consistency of peanut butter. You may need to add more silkscreen medium or glaze.
  13. Place the leaf on the pedestal, shiny side down. While holding it firmly in place, take a small amount of premixed silkscreen medium and gently rub in circles staring in the center and working outward. Repeat around the pedestal.
  14. Fire to cone 06.



  • CD1495 Garden Pedestal
  • CD044 Large Sunflower Bowl
  • CD045 Small Sunflower Bowl


  • DSS-0111 Botanical – Leaves
  • EL-121 Copper Adventurine
  • EL-128 Wheat
  • EL-133 Autumn
  • EL-142 Grass
  • PC-601 Clear Cascade
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • UG-50 Black

Decorating Accessories

  • AC-310 Silkscreen Medium
  • DSS-0111 Botanical – Leaves
  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Casting instructions
  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Scissors
  • Palette
  • Palette knife
  • Permanent marker