Valentine Sgraffito Plates

Designer: Elizabeth Carey



Coupe Dinner Plate (white background):

  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the Soft Fan with FN-001 White, apply 1 coat to the front of the plate. Allow glaze to dry.
  3. Place the pattern over the plate. Slide AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper under the pattern. Trace over the hearts. Remove the pattern and clay carbon paper.
  4. Using the Script Liner with SC-1 Pink-A-Boo, SC-33 Fruit of the Vine, SC-74 Hot Tamale, SC-103 Lavendear, SP-201 Speckled Pink-A-Boo, and SP-274 Speckled Hot Tamale, apply 3 coats to half of the hearts on the plate. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  5. Once the hearts are no longer shiny, take the skewer and carve designs into each heart. This must be done before the glaze is dry. This is why it is recommended to work on half at a time.
  6. Repeat Steps #4 and #5 for the remaining hearts.
  7. Using the Soft Fan with SC-74 Hot Tamale, apply 3 coats to the back of the plate. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  8. Wait for the front of the plate to be completely dry. Use a dry sponge or firm brush to brush away all of the glaze crumbs on the front of the plate.
  9. Dip into NR-CLR Clear One Dipping.
  10. 1Stilt and fire to cone 06.

Coupe Salad Plate (black background):

  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the Soft Fan with FN-001 White, apply 1 coat to the front of the plate. Allow glaze to dry.
  3. Place the pattern over the plate. Slide AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper under the pattern. Trace over the hearts. Remove the pattern and clay carbon paper.
  4. Using the Script Liner with SC-1 Pink-A-Boo, SC-33 Fruit of the Vine, SC-74 Hot Tamale, SC-103 Lavendear, apply 3 coats to the hearts on the plate. Go slightly over the outline of each heart. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  5. Cut out the hearts from the pattern. Take 1 heart and sponge the back with water. Place it on the corresponding heart on the plate (wet side down). Sponge over the edges to make sure it is secure. Using the Script Liner with the corresponding heart color, apply 1 coat going around the edge of the heart. Repeat for all hearts.
  6. Using the Soft Fan with FN-009 Black, apply 2 coats to the front and back of the plate. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  7. Use the skewer to help pull up the paper hearts on the front of the plate.
  8. Once the hearts are no longer shiny, take the skewer and carve designs into each heart. This must be done before the glaze is dry. Do not try to brush away the crumbs at this point, or they may get stuck to the background.
  9. Wait for the front of the plate to be completely dry. Use a dry sponge or firm brush to brush away all of the glaze crumbs on the front of the plate.
  10. Dip into NR-CLR Clear One Dipping.
  11. Stilt and fire to cone 06.



  • MB-101 Coupe Salad Plate
  • MB-102 Coupe Dinner Plate


  • FN001 White
  • FN009 Black
  • SC001 Pink-A-Boo
  • SC033 Fruit of the Vine
  • SC074 Hot Tamale
  • SC103 Lavendear
  • SP201 Speckled Pink-A-Boo
  • SP274 Speckled Hot Tamale
  • NTCLR Clear One Dipping

Decorating Accessories

  • AC230 Clay Carbon Paper
  • RB144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB106 #6 Script Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Pattern
  • Pencil
  • Palette
  • Skewer