Feather Painting Tile

Designer: Bob Moreni


  1. Begin with a properly-fired shelf cone 04 bisque tile. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.

  2. Randomly apply large dots of SC-6 Sunkissed, SC-74 Hot Tamale, and SC-75 Orange-A-Peel and lay the cling wrap over the top.

  3. Smoosh the color around under the cling wrap with your fingers to mix and marble the colors. Try to eliminate large puddles of glaze.

  4. Remove the cling wrap and immediately lay your feathers over the wet glaze. Press them slightly to help them stick down.

    Note: if your glaze has dried or your feathers aren’t sticking, you can lightly wet the feathers with water as you apply them.

  5. With your sponge, sponge a bit more color over the top of the feathers to help seal them down. Rinse sponge.

  6. Allow to dry.

  7. Sponge FN-9 Black over the top of the whole tile.

  8. Allow the black to dry, then sponge another layer on top. You should see almost no color coming through the black.

  9. Peel the feathers off the tile.

  10. Fire to cone 06.


Adaptations: Instead of using a sponge, use a Soft Fan brush or paper towels to dab the glaze on to the tile. Allow the first coat of

brushed glaze to dry and add a second coat. While the second coat is still wet, arrange your feathers on the tile (if the feathers are a

little tough to work with, this technique also works well with other found objects like pieces of lace or string.) Finally, apply a third coat

using the same colors and continue following the directions. Black glaze may also be brushed onto the tile rather than sponged.



  • 6×6 Bisque Canvas Tiles


  • SC006 Sunkissed
  • SC074 Hot Tamale
  • SC075 Orange-A-Peel
  • FN009 Black

    Miscellaneous Accessories

    • Sponge
    • Water
    • Feathers
    • Cling Wrap