Summer Fairy Tree

Designer: Marcia Roullard



  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Starting at the top of the tree, apply two coats of a mixture of SC-16 Cotton Tail and SC-1 Pink-A-Boo. Apply two coats of SC-1 Pink-A-Boo to the middle of the tree. Apply two coats of a mixture of SC-1 Pink-A-Boo and SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral to the lower section of the tree. Apply SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral into the swirls at the bottom and arms of the tree, two coats. Us the CB-106 #6 Soft Fan for the large areas and the CB-106 #6 Script Liner for the swirl areas.
  3. Shade a deeper coral by adding SC-81 Cinnamon Stix to Cutie Pie Coral and float this mix of color into and around the swirls using the Script Liner.
  4. Use a sponge to wipe off some of the coral and pink glaze from the top of the swirls. Apply two coats of SC-93 Honeydew List on the swirls, blending the color with SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral, under the arms and the skirt at the bottom. Let dry.
  5. For the butterfly side of the tree, pencil in a grid for a checkerboard pattern. Apply one coat of SC-16 Cotton Tail to every other section of the checkerboard. Shade the Cotton Tail square on left side with one coat of SC-93 Honeydew List.
  6. Use the CB-110 #10/0 Liner to outline the checkerboard pattern with a thinned coat of SC-81 Cinnamon Stix.
  7. Mix AC-310 Silkscreen Medium with SC-15 Tuxedo using a palette knife to the consistency of peanut butter. Rub the thickened mix over the floral screen, from DSS-0138 Floral 2, to the bottom of the tree. Fill in with more flowers from the same screen along the bottom of the tree.
  8. Use the Liner with SC-16 Cotton Tail to add strokes of color into to petals on the flowers. Use SC-97 Cant-elope for the centers.
  9. Screen the butterflies from DSS-0113 Bugs on the tree as shown. Use the Liner to fill in the pattern on the wings with SC-97 Cant-elope and SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral.
  10. Use the paper punch to create dots for the tree. Scatter small dots across the tree by using the negative space from the punch. Wet the paper and press to the tree. Apply one coat of SC-93 Honeydew List and one coat of SC-27 Sour Apple then remove the paper.
  11. Both sides of the tree can be finished with the same or similar design.
  12. Dip into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glazes or use the Soft Fan to apply one coat of S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze to the tree.
  13. Stilt and fire to cone 05/06

Alternate decoration of the tree, as shown below:

  1. Follow directions step 1 through 4.
  2. Trace on or sketch on the pattern.
  3. Use CB-106 Script Liner or CB-202 Detail for the flowers and leaves.
  4. For the white flowers, apply stroke of color with SC-16 Cotton Tail to the flower petals. Apply one coat of SC-97 Cant-elope to the centers.
  5. For the blue flowers apply two coats of SC-11 Blue Yonder and one coat of SC-97 Cant-elope to the centers.
  6. For the golden flowers at the top. apply single brushstrokes of SC-97 Cant-elope.
  7. The stems and leaves are two coats of SC-93 Honeydew List and SC-27 Sour Apple The red leaf has SC-81 Cinnamon Six with the Sour Apple.
  8. Use the Liner and thinned SC-73 Candy Apple Red to the stems and leaves.
  9. Use SG-401 Black with the Liner to outline the designs and dots. Thin SG-401 Black with water and add soft stripes on the leaves.
  10. Dip into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glazes or use the Soft Fan to apply one coat of S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze.
  11. Stilt and fire to cone 05/06.



  • MB-1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Bisque or CD1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Mold


  • SC-1 Pink A Boo
  • SC-11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-16 Cotton Tail
  • SC-27 Sour Apple
  • SC-73 Candy Apple Red
  • SC-81 Cinnamon Stix
  • SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral
  • SC-93 Honeydew List
  • SC-97 Cant-elope
  • SG-401 Black
  • NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze or S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze

Decorating Accessories

  • DSS-0113 Bugs
  • DSS-0138 Floral 2
  • AC-310 Silkscreen Medium
  • CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • CB-202 A#2 Detail

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Small Dot Paper Punch
  • Palette Knife
  • Pattern: Download (for alternate decoration)